You have to love California -
Here we are, near Palm Springs, where it'll be in the 90s
and there's snow on the mountain!
We left my house for our road trip, at 9:55 AM, Pacific Time
and entered Arizona at 1:58 PM.
Our son and I ate only healthy stuff - like these deeelicious cashews.
Yeah, right!
But wait...

And we paid the price!!
Mel-Mel, on the other hand, didn't get any headaches!
But she was a real bitch the next day!!
(Sugar can have that effect on people.)
(As some of you know, I'm a raw foodist/vegetarian and am much healthier, following that lifestyle.
But, there are times when something comes up, where I choose to eat 'junk'!
Like a road trip!
But, when I do, my body lets me know that it's not happy with my choices, by doing bad things to me - one being headaches! Oh yeah, I pay the price.
I only do this occasionally - not on a daily basis!
I read somewhere that it's better to just pig-out on bad stuff for 'one' day,
than having "just a little" junk food 'every' day.)
Back to the road -
Here's Mel-Mel enjoying an Arizona sunset.
We entered Abilene, Texas, at 5:02 AM.
Gorgeous lights, as we drove through the Texas night.
More lights.
For miles, we could not figure out what that yellow light was,
so close to the road!
An enormous sign? A spotlight on a huge rock? It turns out that it was the moon!!
Texas suuure is flat.
Lights at a power plant.
A Texas sunrise.
(Which Mel-Mel missed, because she refused to turn her head.)
We spent eight hours driving through that state!
Texas suuure is big.
Entering Louisiana at 11:41 AM. (Still going by Pacific Time.)
Me, covering my face with my hands, as we crossed over the Mississippi River!
I'm NOT a fan of bridges, OR deep water!!
Entering Alabama
(Forgot to write down the time.)
Thousands of dead bugs later (sorry guys!) we entered Georgia.
We arrived at our final destination at 8:35 PM.
Only thirty five and a half hours later!
(Still going by Pacific Time, since that's what was on the van's clock.)
Who needs "TomTom", when you have Mel-Mel?!
And she made a few friends along the way -
A remorseful swine...
An oh-so-cute bovine...
And a poultry dude.
(She can be sweet when she wants to be!)
The van was a big hit!!
(As I mentioned in an earlier post, we gave my van to our youngest son and family.)
Our seven year old granddaughter thought it was just her size!
Our five year old grandson thought it was cool, because he had enough room to be a tough-guy, football player!
And our eleven month old granddaughter
was happy that she had plenty of room to stretch her legs!
It was a wonderful, fun, laughter-filled road trip, except for one little incident -
Who knew that Mel-Mel would break-out in song, hitting a note that my son and I had never heard before (and hope to never hear again!)?!
Our eardrums ached, and the ringing in the ears was awful, BUT...
the windshield got the worst of it!!
Mel-Mel might just be staying home the next time.
I leave you with this picture -
because I love it! :)
Signing off for now,
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