Thursday, July 28, 2011

We Love Yellow

We love yellow dresses.

Yellow shirts and yellow walls. Yellow teeth, not so much.

My youngest grandbrats are taking Jiu Jitsu lessons and loving it!
Check out the concentration. Just like when we talk to 'em at home. Yeah, right!

"Hold on, I have an itch."
(Are you still lookin' at the kids, ladies?:)

"Oh, yeah! Girls rule!"

Although white is nice...

They loved their yellow surprise!
After six months of lessons, they each got a yellow belt. SCORE!!

A very happy girl.

Giving a sweet, girly thank-you hug.

Now it's his turn.

While his sister looks on proudly.

A boy hug, complete with the pat-pat on the back.
Do they learn this at birth, or what?!

A bit of applause for a job well done.

A very proud six and eight year old.
Brushing through that hair afterwards wasn't fun for either one of us. Trust me.

Let's hear it for the master! Thank you!!

These two keep us laughing!

Last year she came into my room while I was watching CNN, as they were wheeling Michael Jackson into an ambulance. She saw the body bag he was in and asked, "When people die, are they in a 'bush bag', or a cute little sparkly bag?" (The girl does love her bling.)

The other day he came into my bedroom, slammed himself face-down on the bed,
really mad about something.
He said, "I'm gonna sleep FOREVER! Only wake me for food and my birthday!"

My older grandkids are a funny pair too, but that's a story for another day. ~

For more grandbrats;

There are SO many things to love!
I love "Followers" and comments too!
Thank you.

Signing off for now,


  1. Love when you write about your grandkids. Yellow has always been something I Love; sunshine and happiness.

  2. yellow is great, but their faces are even better! such beautiful kids and such animated faces. your heart must be so full. love to you, dear friend.

  3. Thank you ladies!
    Your comments always bring a smile to my face.
    I'm a big fan of those. :)
    And of you!!
