I'm SO excited! Our 13 and 17 year old granddaughters came to visit!!

They may be older, but they're as "adorkable" as the little ones! Seriously.
(Adorkable = adorable & dork.)
They love making raw desserts -
and the recipe we decided on was by the beautiful, Swedish, Karolina Norman.
It's her awesome Chocolate Swirl Pecan Pie. OMG!!
They got started right after they woke up. (Kids - how do they do it?!)
Here they're blending the Pecans into flour. (It's a BlendTec blender.)
Dates and other ingredients were mixed in the food-processor, for the crust.
Then this one mixed them a little more, with freshly washed hands.
(Thanks Toots!)
After the ingredients were thoroughly mixed, that one put them into a pan.
I said to "push it into the pan" not kill it!!
There ya go. Easy does it.
That one's blending the ingredients for the Vanilla Cream.
We could have stopped right there and been happy! Yum!
Forgot what she's doing there, but I like the picture.
And I love this one!! :-D
She likes to 'pop' into a picture, when you least expect it.
Into the nut-milk bag it goes.
This one's straining the Vanilla Cream.
That one's mixing the ingredients for the Chocolate Cream.
Lookin' good, Girls!
This one's blending the ingredients.
I have to say, and the girls totally agree -
This Chocolate is THE BEST Chocolate we've EVER made!!
We could use it for Puddings, for Toppings for Frostings, for Truffles, etc.!
Lightbulbs were going off!! (Thank you, Karolina!!)
That one's putting the Vanilla Cream into the crust.
By now, a lot of finger-licking was going on. (Mine included.)
Nobody cared about Kooties anymore.
The face-of-anticipation is priceless!
I've discovered something about myself...
I can't follow recipe directions AND take photographs at the same time.
Karolina said to be sure not to leave the Creams in the refrigerator too long.
They should not be too hard. They don't swirl together well, when they're like that.
But, the girls still had fun smushing them around!
And finally... heeeere it is!!
Heaven on a plate!
This one was wishing I'd hurry and just let her eat!
And that one couldn't - and wouldn't - wait!!
I know that our pie looks nothing like Karolina's -
but I bet it tastes just as good! Her recipes ROCK!!
Before the day was over, they both surprised me with little clay characters that they'd made for me!
How cute are THEY?!
They will be the friends of the new and improved "Mel-Mel".
The one with the purple hair
is, "Dee-Dee".
And the one with the blue hair,
is the French,
Thank you, Girls!!
We miss you already!
Come back SOON!!

I first heard of Karolina Norman, when my eldest daughter came across her Etsy shop.
When I saw that she had an e-book of Raw Recipes for sale, I couldn't wait to buy it.
The book is fabulous! As is her website, "Love Raw"!! Talk about inspiration! Wow!!
And this is her wonderful art: "Starbringer Creations".
Thank you again, Ms. Karolina Norman -
Raw Food Creator, Author and Artist!! You're the best!!
Signing off for now,
Love and sunshine to you, wonderful Gab! ~§~
Thank you, Karolina, the same to you!!
ReplyDeletePlease be sure to let me know as soon as your new dessert e-book comes out! I want to be the first to buy a copy!! :)
I know it will be awesome!!!!