As some of you know, I've been visiting my family in Oregon.
A lot of family. A lot of friends. A lot of food!
It was my awesome granddaughter's thirteenth birthday!!
There was cake. Great cake!
Even though I've been a raw-foodist for about two years now (with the occasional slip)
I made the decision to eat what everyone else was eating - "just to make it easier".
(Yeah, right!)
There were usually people in the kitchen and I needed room for my raw food preparation.
That was my reasoning. I think deep-down, I just wanted to see what it would feel like to eat whatever I wanted in the Standard American Diet again.
So I ate what everyone else did, but I took it - not "a step" further - I took it "a mile" further!
I ate junk food, more junk food - and even MORE junk food!!
(Much to the dismay of my family.)
My sugar-addiction raised its ugly head!!
During those two weeks, THIS is what it felt like:
Headaches or migraines daily
Facial swelling
Stuffy nose
Sinus pain
Ringing in the ears
Liquid in the ears
Bloodshot eyes
Blurry vision with and without glasses
Gum irritation
Sensitive teeth
Trouble concentrating
Trouble stringing a sentence together
Heart burn
Acid reflux
Water retention
Weight gain (Duh!! No surprise there!)
Hand and finger cramps
Achy joints and stiffness
Tingling in hands and feet
Trouble getting up from a lying or sitting position
Extremely tired
Needing naps daily
And THIS is what it looked like.
Even my grandson!
This is what he looked like, the next day, after just ONE visit to a restaurant!
While he and my granddaughter were staying with us, and eating only raw-food for two weeks, they did SO well! That restaurant visit and eating S.A.D. only once, had its effect!
Here's what we usually look like.
(Both of these screamin' brats are home in Georgia now and we miss them SO much!)
Back to my Oregon trip -
Here's more stuff that got me!
And more.
My gorgeous seventeen year old granddaughter took me here -
a fabulous place with chocolate-concoctions I've only dreamed of! Yum!!
And more.
A nice greasy batch of scrambled eggs with all the trimmings.
But wait - there's more!
A Reuben that could choke a horse. (Yet SO dang tasty!!)
But here's the GOOD news!
I'm back to my raw-food ways!!
Beginning with...
A green-smoothie for breakfast.

Maybe some raw Celery Dill Soup with raw dehydrated Flax/Carrot Bread for lunch.
Or a bowl of raw Tomato Basil Soup with raw dehydrated Onion Bread.

Maybe a raw Jicama Potato Salad.

For dinner, maybe I'll have some raw dehydrated Flax Bread Pizza.

Maybe even with some raw Cheese topping.
I'll have some of this raw Strawberry Cheesecake for dessert!!
Or a slice of this raw Chocolate Strawberry Torte.
(I didn't say a 'small' slice.)
Then there's always the raw Strawberry Banana Cream Pie.
Or the raw Chocolate Raspberry Torte.
And the not-to-be-sneezed-at (please don't) raw Apple Pie!!
But if I get that sudden sweet-craving and don't have a raw pie made,
here's my old stand-by...
A deeelicious, raw Chocolate and Vanilla Mousse, topped with ground nuts!
Ohhh yeahhh.
I'm not preaching to others to "go raw" (OK, sometimes I do:) but that's what works for me - what my body craves. Obviously.
And by the way, that list of symptoms - those were the exact symptoms I had, before I decided to go raw! After just a few weeks of eating raw foods - they went away!!
I spent years going from doctor to doctor trying to find out what was wrong with me, so that I could feel better!! None knew and just sort of dismissed me - or prescribed antibiotics!
Oh goody.
So, even though I'm home now and miss my wonderful family all across the country, like crazy (already!)
I'll be eating raw and healthy - and starting that awesome, killer P90X exercise routine again!
Signing off for now,
Hi Gabriele,
ReplyDeleteDid you make that chocolate raspberry torte? That looks good!
And you do PX90? I heard from Anthony, rawmodel, that's a killer workout. You go!
Mil (teller of gross stories!)
Hi Anonymous ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, indeedy. I made it - and I ate it!!
I love P90X! It kicks butt! And the results are awesome!
I STILL have nightmares about your gross stories!!
Hi Gabriele,
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me what book that chocolate raspberry torte is from?
I'm glad you are still having nightmares! ;p
Mil :)
Hi there, Anonymous-Mil.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember right now, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.
I've got a ton of books, so it'll be a little tricky.
(Bummer, 'cause now I'm hungry for it too!! Thanks A LOT!)
after reading your bloog i am motivated to once again eat ther raw food while i am no where near as dedicated as you are...i am going the seventy/thirty route....seventy percent raw and thirty percent cooked less than ten days time i can see a huge swollen and achey feet are back to normal, i am walking daily, and my mood swings have just dh thanks you....i hope to enter into my fourties a raw foodie in full swing...thanks again and again for reminding me to love my body and to honor it by eatinmg living foods...hugs...christen
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading my blog! It's so nice to already have some support.
I'm so glad you told me about this entry and have had similar experience. It's really great to read about you getting back on raw foods and feeling amazing again - this is exactly what I'm after and I'm really excited about it. I think I'm taking the right steps to have success!
This is so interesting. My daughter and her 2 kids have such horrible diets--it makes me sad. So much processed food, and RARELY any vegetables or raw fruit--usually canned, sweetened fruit. Lots of pizza, fast food... yech. Not that I don't eat those things occasionally, but when I visit her house, I start craving veggies. Last time I was there, I had to go buy some 'real' food for myself-no one else wanted it (salads, tomatoes). I notice how much better my skin looks when I eat healthy. I like your sense of humor with the photos.