If I could, I'd have something sweet, chocolaty and decadent for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
My mind says, "Oh yeah!!" but my body says "Seriously?".
So, I begin my day with a blended, healthy, green-smoothie instead.
I've been enjoying variations of these for breakfast since 2008, the same time I became a raw-foodist.
Without changing anything else in my daily routine, I lost twenty-five pounds in the first two months.
A wonderful, unplanned surprise!
I also began to have fewer migraines and stomach upsets - both of which are almost non-existing now.
My food allergies and sensitivities are pretty much under control and I'm able to concentrate without feeling like I have a brain the size of a gnats.
A green-smoothie is:
A few handfuls of greens like kale, spinach, arugala, celery, etc..
Two or three fruits like apples, pears, oranges, etc..
Plus, two or three cups water, one or two tablespoons flax-seeds, or other seeds, for protein.
Blend in a high-speed blender.
My favorite is the BlendTec brand. You can find it on Cathy Silver's wonderful website:
For everything you might ever want to know about green-smoothies (and recipes)
I highly recommend the book "Green For Life", by Victoria Boutenko, available on her website:
I'm a huge fan of all the Boutenko's books and DVDs!
Later, today, I'll be making a raw-dessert... a Strawberry/Chocolate/Coconut/Cream Pie!!
Here are the photographs from when I made it for my family, on a recent visit. It was a huge hit!!
No sugar, white flour, dairy, or anything 'processed' - and it rocked!!"
I found the recipe online by googling "raw-food desserts".
I won't be giving recipes here, because they are not my own. I find them on the internet or in books. (Why reinvent the wheel?!)
But I'll give you the link, if I have it, and the title of the books I get them from.
I'm off to work-out now and then, after I catch my breath and eat something, I'll begin painting a new silk scarf.
It'll be a floral design, my absolute favorite to paint. (I adore silk-painting!!!!)
I have a website of my accessories, if you'd like to take a peek:
I hope you'll try some healthy, green-smoothies and raw-desserts. Especially since there's chocolate involved!!
Signing off for now,
What a wonderful site. I love your step by step illustration of the technique and I loved your work.