These are our grandchildren, ages four and five, at the time.
They live out of state and I was visiting.
They like when I visit. I bring stuff.
If I don't bring stuff, I buy stuff.
They like that about me.
Here he is, wrapping his hands.
"Cause somebody's gonna get it!
They fought over whose room that punching-bag would go in.
She wanted it as much as he did!
Dad was smart - and put it in the office. Argument averted.
Whew! That really wears a guy out!
His new invention.
I can hear the Home Shopping Network calling.
Not to be outdone in the muscle department.
And a year later, they still like working-out.
She looks so sweet...
But you should see her punch the snot out of that punching-bag!
Showing off his muscles too.
(Girlfriend needs a pedicure.)
I didn't see or hear much of the news.
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
They love coming to our house too. I have toys.
I have this. They like this... a lot.
And these.
Also this.
And this.
Why'd I buy this?!!
Because it's what I need the most. (But like doing the least!)
I love this!!
These are great too. But I suck at push-ups!
These are the "P90X Power Stands".
This, I like a lot.
So do the kids, as long as somebody's holding them up!
That's me, two months into the "P90X" program.
I've cropped my lower half, because I'm... shy.
(Or maybe somebody's holding me up too.)
OK, maybe I'm not so shy.
That's the muscleman himself, Mr. Lou Ferrigno,
Here is one of my favorite pieces of equipment -
My "Bowflex".
I also have a gym-membership, which is about to expire...
But I may not need it anymore.
Here's what our little guys look like now, at age six and seven.
He plays football and she's a cheerleader.
I'm happy that they love working-out, because it sure comes in handy now.
But my all-time favorite exercise routine, is this!
There are SO many things to love!
I love "Followers" and comments too!
(Thank you!)
Signing off for now,